== ACROLA ==

amchoudhry's website

Dream Cars 2025


So currently, I should be doing multiple different things right now that have higher priority but here I am.

I wanted to put this some place because cars are cool.

So… What are my “dream cars”? Well these are just cars I wish I had. Not because they are expensive, super fast, or anything, but just because I like them. I am also gonna categorize them kinda. For example, dream family car or dream project car. This list could go on forever but I will only be doing newer cars for this year, 2025.


Here's to 2025


For the countdown to 2025, on New Years Eve and New Years Day, I spent my night in the hospital. My Grandmother had an emergency. Since she lives with us, I experienced almost everything. Now, as I am laying down writing this on my phone, I am reflecting and thinking a lot since I will be here all night with Grandma to monitor and translate for her.

She has a TV in her hospital room mounted right in from of the bed. As she slept, I watched the ball drop in NYC on CNN. The time moved so fast sitting on the couch next to her bed and suddenly, it was 2025. As I watched the broadcast in solitude with my Grandma who was trying her hardest to sleep, I continued looking at the screen with a certain feeling that I can’t really describe. In my head, I also told myself that… I really don’t want to grow up. It’s silly but I just want to put this all out here for people to look at and relate to. I also need to explain myself.


Git Update 1

Update Announcement

Hello everyone, I posted some files on my Github page. They are the configuration files for my GNU grub. I also just wanted to put them out there for my own personal reference, since it took me awhile to figure out how it fully works. For some reason, my kernels and boot files weren’t being detected. I had to figure out how to do it manually. I figured it out and I am proud of it so far! GNU grub is the best bootloader. I have used rEFInd before and it just wasn’t as compatible as grub is.


suckless's dwm is life-changing

Technology Linux

If you are a Linux enthusiast like I am, you’re probably familiar with a window manager called dwm. It stands for “dynamic window manager,” but it also evokes the notion of being very elitist and built for power users. When people hear these terms, they may feel intimidated or even a bit insulted. But I am here to say that dwm is indeed for an elitist like me and you! There’s a misunderstanding surrounding these terms. After using dwm, I believe it’s for users who are willing to invest the time and effort to become skilled; “elitist” simply describes these dedicated users. I appreciate that Suckless, the development team behind dwm, chose this approach. Rather than marketing software that is hard to understand yet easy to use, they’ve done the opposite.


Buy a Thinkpad

Personal Technology

What is the Best Laptop to Buy?

When searching for the best laptop, you’ll encounter a variety of recommendations online, ranging from MacBooks and Chromebooks to other expensive or underpowered options. However, many small internet communities agree that Lenovo ThinkPads stand out as the best laptops ever created. Although only a few models are highly recommended, I will discuss those and some others that are well-respected but don’t quite reach the same level.


The Experience of Repairing a IBM Model M 1391401

Technology Keyboard Personal

I bought an IBM Model M about a year and a half ago. I found it on Facebook Marketplace while looking for a CRT monitor for a 90s computer I had just purchased. I went to pick up my monitor from Boyertown, PA, where a daughter and her father owned a trailer park filled with old electronics and collectibles. These were truck trailers filled with a bunch of stuff. In one of the trailers, I came across an old IBM Model M keyboard. There was also a Model F keyboard that looked like it controlled a spaceship, but the one that caught my eye was the classic 1391401. I asked how much it was, and they told me $70. I also ended up getting the CRT monitor. There’s a fun fact about those monitors—they were used in an elementary school in the 90s in that area! This was before school started up in Fall 2023, so I was pretty packed up. I ended up not really touching the keyboard due to the schedule changes and new school. However, when I did plug it in, I noticed that some keys did not work, like the Enter key and so on.

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